
"It's me. I know."

"I have been dating Kevin off and on 3 years I guess. Hit me day 2 we were together but I loved him and i stayed.

Now we have a daugter and I really cant leave. I be alone my whole life nobody will be with a teen mother, nobody want somebody elses baby. He breaks up and goes has sex with some girls and then he come back to me cuz he love me. And hit me if i tell him he cant come back

I just wanted to share cuz you girl think your man is all shit but at least he don't hit you.

~ cassie ~"

You're right, Cassie. He doesn't hit me. I got involved in my teen years with a man who did, however. The first time he hit me was the last. I suppose we all have our different levels of what we will put up with.


Anonymous said...

Hitting is a completely different issue. Every person gets angered differently and they react in a different way. I used to get hit and whenever i told anybody they didnt believe me due to my boyfriend being of "the most friendly personality". However, i love this man and i will do for the rest of my life. They are all bad but YOU can change them and make them into better people.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. But this is one of the most righteous blogs I have ever read. I have no useful advise, because you are just like me && I equally suck. Good day.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, Ladies, ladies... Please tell me now that you have all started to respect yourselves a little more and realised that domestic violence, no matter how small or for what reason is not tolerable. If someone is physically hurting you they DO NOT love you, they know that you are not strong enough to leave and therefore are loving the power trip they get from beating someone into submission. That is not love, that is blatant cowardice and egotism talking. You can do better and would do better even if you are on your own, then at least you are safe. If someone loves you they will protect you from harm, not deal it out. They will cuddle you, not strangle you, they will kiss your lips, not bury their fists there and they will most certainly not hit you just because they get angry in a certain way. Getting angry in the right way is to take your issues out on inanimate objects, or run them out on a sports field, or talk them out over the kitchen table. You CANNOT change someone, and you shouldn't have to because they should come just as you want them. Everyone has good and bad characteristics but they should be a combination you admire, not want to change. Yes men can be insensitive, so can women but it is NEVER ok to hit the person you love, period.

Anonymous said...

"They are all bad but YOU can change them and make them into better people."

With that logic a human who does not change despite proper conditioning means that the human is broken. A broken human should not be worth anyone's time. It's the same with dogs. If you can't teach a dog to stop biting people, you put it down. If you can't get your boyfriend to stop hitting you, dump his ass. I have no sympathy for those who allow the abuse to continue.

Anonymous said...

As a woman who endured years of abuse from a pathetic asshole who I could not quit...I can remember feeling ashamed for letting myself live like that.
I left my retarded idiot after I became pregnant. I put myself through nursing school while on welfare and now I am a registered nurse and my daughter has a good life. A life without watching her mother get belittled, abused, mistreated by a loser. Now she has a positive strong woman for a mother not a scared little girl.
DONT LET THE HATERS MAKE YOU FEEL WORSE...show them how beautiful strong and capable you are and leave that cheating motherfucker who should have his cock severed and stuffed up his ass.

Jatin Sethi said...

happy valentines day nieces