
Sweet Sweet Privacy!

Last night I did laundry and went to wash the (4 days worth of) dishes. I have a bad habit of talking to myself, and spent most of the dishwashing time telling my boyfriend everything I couldn't say to his face. I thought I was doing this pretty well under my breath, but he must've heard me; because when I was done and went to sit on the couch, there was Captain Sensitive with tears in his eyes, laptop packed up, saying that he was going to head back to his mom's the next day.

I sighed. Great, just what I want at 10:30 Sunday night, in the middle of fucking laundry - a weepy, emotional man wanting to be reassured that I care about him, and I'm not breaking up with him, yadda yadda.

I took the opportunity to explain to him that, while I wasn't comparing him to past boyfriends, this relationship seemed to recreate an apparent pattern I have with men: date a while, they quit/lose their job, and move in with me, and I become a primary breadwinner and caregiver. I told him it felt like this was happening again with us. I understand he can't find a job, the economy sucks. But I also finally revealed to him how pissed I was that he quit his job in the first place.

Of course, I had to stop there, because he was getting too emo about being in my house for a month with no job, and watching me begin to seeth with irritation over his continued, unproductive presence and my lack of privacy. I had to get him out of that depressed mood because frankly I cannot deal with fucking emo people. (I'm an optimistic, energetic person as a rule, and people like that just suck the life out of me.)

So, the bottom line is he is going back to his mom's until he gets an actual solid job lead, and I no longer have to pretend he's not driving me bonkers. I'm glad I was able to unburden my thoughts, but I wish he would nut up a little, and not act like everything is so sad inducing. Oh well. He is what he is. At least I can poop with the door open again.


Anonymous said...

I'm dating one of those too. Mr. Sensitive with no job. Lovely.

Patricia said...
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Patricia said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I went to Google and typed in sucky boyfriends... this website was first on the list. I'm glad I found it and that I'm not the only person going through this.

My boyfriend quit his job 6 months ago and it's been hell at times. He gets angry about his situation, but here's the kicker... it's not my fault. I didn't make/ask/persuade him to quit. I even told him to have a back up job/plan.

What does he do? Quits without doing any research for another job and moved in with me... and now sits on the internet all day surfing the web, while I'm at college.

He acts like I "owe" him something... but he's getting free rent, food, TV, internet, etc.

And as you mentioned in one of your posts... my boyfriend gets agitated when I don't want to have sex. Gee... I wonder why??

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... I don't know which is worse...a Mr. Sensitive...or a used-to-be Mr. Sensitive gone mute?

SL said...

I googled "my boyfriend sucks", because today, he really REALLY does, and I then find this site. So God exists...

Funny that the content could have been written by me. Funny that I feed my unemployed boyfriend, tidy and clean, and he gets all grumpy when I ask him to at least open the letters from the bank, so he wont get EXTRA fines, and EXTRA bills he cant pay resulting in ME paying. Damn it.

And to top it off, this morning I was rewarded with: "I love you honey, you satisfy most of my sexual needs."

...(I find it hard to breathe! And my fists just wont uncurl...)

I just hope he doesn't visit me in my 3.rd floor office, the windows are so expensive to replace...

Anonymous said...

OMG its like i wrote this my self from beginning to end except my boyfriend has a unemployed bff that just makes me twice as irate im working full time and going to college and hes not doing anything but playing video games all day and has the nerve to ask me if im stress or if theres anything he can do about it. "YEAH GET A FREAKING JOB!"

Anonymous said...

ive got one of those... bleh.

Anonymous said...

I wish my non-bf would stop being such an emo bitch, man up, and either commit or leave me the hell alone.

Anonymous said...

hi, i just stumbled upon youre blog right now (I googled 'my boyfriend sucks) oops! :S and i found this article.. i know its a long time since it was published, but i needed to comment.. my boyfriend is kinda the opposite.. i'm currently out of work, because of stress related illnesses, (i'm sleeping most of the day, trying to do my best and so on) and hes a fucking model.. perfect.. i was even there when he got scouted. AND HIS STILL MISTER SESITIVE!! his life consits of posing, and getting paid.. i struggle to even get out of bed.. and i still have to comfort him, telling him all the time how well his doing.. blablabla!! it was really good reading youre post!! you go girl ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you women are lucky to have any guy in your life. You sound like angry, pissed off, emotionless, high-maintenance "women". How those men can put up with you for 10 minutes let alone 10 months is beyond me. If you acted more like women, then these men in your lives would act more like men and would be more motivated. What has the world come to.

Anonymous said...

I identify with this so much!

Anonymous said...

I have dated guys like this too!
Why the hell do guys say that women are gold diggers? So many women are the ones that get screwed over by guys quitting their job and living off them!

I dated a guy for 3 years and the last year he had no job. I put up with it for far too long. I thought he would get a job and we'd be together again (like breaking up with him was for his own good). He has never forgiven me and is totally immature about it.

Anonymous said...

Like most of the other commenters, I googled "why does my boyfriend suck?" My boyfriend moved in with me, and yep, it sucks. I'm a bit younger (high school senior) but trust me, same rules apply. He won't look for a job, sits on the computer playing video games all day, and constantly nitpicks at me. I'm in the top 20 of my class, planning on going to college in the fall, and do everything for him. I completely understand.

E. said...

i only read the first paragraph and i already love you. thanks!

E. said...

"Oh my gosh. I went to Google and typed in sucky boyfriends... this website was first on the list. I'm glad I found it and that I'm not the only person going through this."

same story. i looked for the same thing and found this. after reading the first paragraph i wanted to let you know that, i like you.

thank you, i can't wait to see what is next for your blog and i am excited to read what you have already written.

it sucks when your boyfriend or partner is not fulfilling his/her duties and it is refreshing to see someone that is not saying "i call quits"

my boyfriend and i have been going through some severe turmoil but neither of us is giving up.

again, thank you!


Renata Magalhães said...

I googled randomly 'my boyfriend sucks' and i found your blog. I'm portuguese and boyfriends really really sucks! I totally loved your blog. May I know how old are you? Because i'm just 16. Maybe you could add me on msn and talk for a while, give me some advice. Please.

Anonymous said...

You guys are such whiners. If you don't like lazy boyfriends, stop dating them. In this day and age you are actually allowed to date people to get to know them before actually making a commitment. So if you don't like someone because they are too sensitive or whatnot, break up with them. Say "I'm sorry, we are too different and I am not happy". Is that really so hard ? The fact is that you are probably messed up yourselves and need someone to be dependent on you to feel good about yourselves and that's why you put up with such behavior. Grow up !

You only live once !!! Don't waste your time :)

Danielle said...

finally. finally, i find something that shows me i'm not the only one out here dealing with a Super Sensative. finally!

EPICENE said...

Anonymous 6/11/2011 has a point ... but damn I wish it were that easy.

I knew/know what I was getting myself into with my boyfriend. He is not lazy or dependent on me or overly sensitive ... but he is way too comfortable.

I am dating the most complicated man in the world... and I have always tried to embrace who he is and I have vowed not to try to change him because when/where he is good, he is incredible and intoxicating ... but where he is a challenge ... it is devastating.

For the last two years I have been taking these devastating emotional jabs ... signing up to withstand the pain for a couple of reasons: 1. It pushes me to be stronger and more confident and 2. I love him to pieces and the good parts are sooo good and I was getting what I wanted and needed...

But now, he has changed and things have shifted and I'm not getting as much of what I wanted or needed (and probably taking a few things for granted along the way like we all do) and I am finding his challenges less tolerable. I spend more time angry at him. I feel more desperate for his attention which feels disgusting and it's starting to feel more like he is subtracting value from my life than adding to it because he has changed.

But two years in ... you have history. You know things can be amazing because they have been in the past... you love the way he does certain things ... you love him, his family, his friends ... and you just want to be able to respect and admire him again and for him to cherish you. And most of all -- you just want to have fucking FUN again! It's very hard to dispose of those shiny gold nuggets even if they are covered up in a pile of shit.

What the fuck to do?! Let's face it ladies -- men are not going to "change" after a little chit chat. In fact, in most cases that only makes it worse.

You know, I do not know one woman -- except my sister-in-law, who has been with her man more than 2 years who is satisfied and fulfilled? All different kinds of women ... but oddly all the same kind of men. Men who act like children / men who are unappreciative for what they have / men who need to be coddled instead of a partner / or they are with men who are controlling.

Just who the fuck do they think they are?

Oddly -- I don't blame the men. I blame their mothers. An entire generation of women who coddled their sons and who let them get by with murder and catered to their every whim and didn't teach them to nut up, be accountable, be interested, be appreciative.

I taught all these things to my 'lil bro because my mom was working all the time when he was growing up and I sorta had to raise him. And he is the such an incredible man, husband and now father.

Anyway ... sorry for the tangent. My boyfriend sucks too. It's true misery loves company and perhaps we would all move on ... if we had any faith it would be any better.

To the owner of this blog: START WRITING IT AGAIN!!!

Little Foot said...

I Hate That My Bf Acts Like Such A Big Baby. But When I Dont Feel Good Or He Says Suff That Hurts My Feeling He Says Im Being Stupid Or Rediculous.

Anonymous said...

First, I am really happy to hear that I am not the only girl in the world to google "my boyfriend sucks". I AM NOT ALONE!!!
I have been dating him a little over three months and while yes he is my first relationship. It feels like I am faking it. And that it is all one sided. My side. I love the crap out of him but he is an awful boyfriend. I am 23 and he is 21. It is long distance and he is terrible at it. There is nothing that he does for the relationship. When we are apart it is like I am this huge inconvenience and hindrance from him having sex with any girl he wants. He puts off Skyping me until the very last moment and then can only talk for a little bit. We only Skype once a week.
I am not a needy person but come on. How in the world are we going to build a relationship if we are not communicating. At this point I have been throwing around the idea of just ending it. I love him a lot, but is it worth it? It will always be long distance as soon as he is out of school he leaves for the Navy.
The sad thing is he is super great when we are together. He is so caring; opening doors, paying for everything, keeping my feet warm. But with this relationship I know we will always be apart for a period of time. And he doesn't understand you still have to show you care even with the distance.
Sigh. Vent complete. I still am up in the air about ending it.
Why can't that be easier?

Anonymous said...

Being a guy, I'm sorry you girls think that guys should not have emotions. Guys are just like everyone else, and they need to be comforted from time to time. Personally, I'm glad guys are emotional...I mean, would you really love to be dating someone with no emotions at all who's never able to take care of you when you need to be taken care of?

I'm sorry about your boyfriend problems. Try talking to him instead of just keeping it inside. All my friends in long-term relationships have told me that open communication is key.

liubiza said...
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liubiza said...

Hi. At first I thought you were desperate as every one of us has been at least sometimes. And I was dating couple of seriously lame guys in my life, so I felt sympathetic towards you cause think I know what's all about..

Then I realized the guy you're talking about on this post is not the same guy you actually created this blog to complain about, which was 2 years before it! ...WHAT THE FUCK GIRL? Are you serious? So, in 2006 you were moaning about some dickhead not wanting to celebrate is birthday with you and two years after you are still feeding, financing and cleaning up some othe lame dude's ass that lays at your place? I am sorry, but what I think is that for every piece of shit like the boys you love to date, there will be a naive girl like you, ready to support them blindly. I hope that by now you stopped killing your dignity bearing all this crap.
So my idea is that till the moment you don't undestand that you deserve someone better, you will not stop to get all this shit from the people, because you attract their shit, with your behaviour and way of thinking, and you cannot even realize it. They suck because you suck to yourself, pal.

Anonymous said...

I googled my boyfriend sucks and this is what i got. oh man i can't tell you how much your story relates to me. Bf (both still in college) moved in out of a desperate need and me being the only one who could help him out offered him a home with open arms. seriously, i would be an asshole if i didn't aint? (relationship is about 2 years). he was broke the whole year with not even a single penny and his family couldn't help out either, leaving ME to pick up his mess. i do feel bad for his situation (for awhile) but the problem has been ongoing for over a year and half now and I unwillingly are responsible to feed him, clean up his mess, pay the rent and bills and worst of all being forced to have sex with him everyday! and all the payments i made are out of my monthly allowance leaving me broke in the middle of the month. I've raised this issue several times (ie: perhaps he should start getting a part time job?) but all i got was an ugly face and a threat to leave me and the home so he could find his own way.

and what does the family say about this? they didn't care because they know I am supporting him. they did thanked me a million times for giving the support but those thank yous means nothing to me.its the mother's fault for not raising him in fact SHE SPOILED HIM. a good mother should at least advice him to get a part time job and help out a little. at least something for OWN FOOD right?

yeah and when we girls complain these guys go emotional and ego saying that we don't appreciate and bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! That was kinda rough? But maybe the truth hurts tho- makes me think-hmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

Ok- I see its been almost a year since your post- bbut out of everything and anything I have ever read- I felt like somebody else out there understands- and wow, think u should start your own page, I would follow for sure. Thank you for that- its nice to know that somebody else realizes devotion can be truly maddening- which can make it difficult to see things clearly

Unknown said...

Please write again. At first I thought there were 3 years of entries in here...I was a little disappointed. You are a comical and real writer. Thank you !

Unknown said...

Please write again. At first I thought there were 3 years of entries in here...I was a little disappointed. You are a comical and real writer. Thank you !

Unknown said...

You seem bitter like maybe it pisses you off they complain because poor pitiful you can't find someone. Well you don't like it no one asked you too read it

Unknown said...

Yes that was like you opened a portal to my brain and read my exact thoughts

ilovehimjustnottherest said...

Im doing my final exams and my boyfriend rather play loud ass video games and he is jobless and likes to act like his family will always be his atm bank and western union yet i have a job go to school and because he doesnt its my fault Love and life is near damn close to hate

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Mad said...

It's 2015. I don't think she is coming back...